Relief for Japan

Any and all money I personally make off of sales of The Heat between March 16th and March 31st, 2011 will be donated to the American Red Cross for Japan Relief. So, if you’ve been thinking of reading The Heat and haven’t yet purchased it – now would be the time to do so.

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4 Responses to Relief for Japan

  1. pilar says:


  2. Kanani says:

    The Heat was in my suggestions and when I saw you were giving to Japan, I got it immediatly for that reason- and it turned out to be the best thing I’ve ever done because the whole series is probably the best series I’ve ever read!

  3. HRKW says:

    We hit the $3,500 mark today! And we still have four days to go. 🙂 Thank you, Kanani, for your purchase for Japan’s sake! (So glad you liked the book!) xoxo

  4. Kanani says:

    So awesome!