A la Downton Abbey

Like about a billion other people, I love Downton Abbey. I so very badly want Bates and Anna to be happy. I adore the grouchy Mrs. Patmore. I want to ring Thomas’s neck – and dry his tears of frustration. And of course, I can’t resist Matthew Crawley’s blue, blue eyes. But it was Richard’s character that intrigued me most as I watched the second season. Without giving away any spoilers, I’ll just say this. Power is sexy. It’s memorable.
And so it was with impressive memory acumen and bleary-eyed precision that I rolled over in bed this morning and mumbled to my husband, “I want to be a good wife. But if you don’t bring me some hot and very strong tea right away, I want you to know that I am a writer above all else and I have the means to ruin you.”
Ah, thank you Richard Carlisle. The tea was delicious. 😉

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