Secretly Sam

Releasing Monday, October 1st, 2012!!
The long awaited book 2 in The October Trilogy: Secretly Sam

It’s been a week since Logan Wright and her friends managed to defeat Samhain, the Lord of the Dead, and put an end to the death and destruction he caused in his relentless pursuit of her.

All has been quiet.

But it’s always quiet before a storm, and as the October wind picks up once more and red eyes peer from the darkness, it becomes clear that “Sam Hain” is far from finished. He’s after something precious, something that can only be found here, and he isn’t going to go away without it.

In this second installment of the pulse-pounding young adult series The October Trilogy, Logan and her companions face an enemy that has grown more powerful, more determined, and more dangerous in spades. Samhain, who has once more become Sam Hain the indomitable god-turned-vampire, has his mesmerizing sights set on Logan Wright, body and soul.

Nothing is going to sway him this time. He’s learned his lessons and adapted. Time is running out. And nothing is more deadly than a Death God on a schedule.

– Secretly Sam, by Heather Killough-Walden
(In honor of the release, Sam I Am, book 1 in The October Trilogy, is on sale for $1 for a limited time. Get your copy now!)

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8 Responses to Secretly Sam

  1. Kelly says:

    When is Secretly Sam going to be available on for nook?

  2. HRKW says:

    Hi Kelly – Secretly Sam was submitted to Barnes and Noble and Amazon at the same time, four days ago. BnN is very late posting the book, and it’s an issue of MUCH FRUSTRATION for not only my readers, but me. Big time. Communicating with BnN about this issue is next to impossible. All I can do is bide my time and hope they get it up soon. I’m so sorry for the delay. XOXO

  3. Kelly says:

    Thanks, I guess i will have to keep checking. Its still not there today and when i tried to contact them and ask them if they had the book out, no one would help me. Extrememly bummed out about them. I have had a countdown for this book for sure. not who knows when i ll actually be able to read it

  4. Jessica says:

    I’m in the same boat Kelly. Will be waiting around bummed until gets their stuff together. But Heather, I have no doubt the book will be fabulous whenever we do get around to getting it 🙂

  5. Kelly says:

    Completely Agreed!!! I am excited. I love all her books. I was just worried that bn wasn’t carrying anymore. they are!!!!!

  6. HRKW says:

    It looks like it’s up now. Here is the BnN link:

    Thank you for the compliments! I’m really glad that you’re enjoying my work! 🙂 xoxo

  7. Jessica says:

    Just downloaded it! Can’t wait to start reading. Darn my lunch hour only being 1 hour. Thanks Heather